July 15, 2011


Don't think you are my life;
Neither am I willing to believe that it was love.
Sometimes just another face in the crowd,
But you are something else than all that's mentioned above.

Think of you when I shouldn't,
Not like I can't, but I just couldn't.
To substantiate my thoughts,
I don't possess any persuasive reasons,
To defy fate and the passing of torpid seasons.

At times the feeling strikes,
That you are so close by me and still beside;
The feeling at times is so real and seems true;
At times in the shadows of darkness I am not alone;
Cuz you are my inspiring light.

And when I don't feel your strong hands holding mine;
I am strandled alone on a lonely island;
Dreading the aching solitude;
Brought by thwarting cosmos and time.

Richa Sud